

Final Cover


Photoshoot Pictures and Reflection

Reflection In the end, I chose the picture where the model has a monotone face, as the portrayal is seemingly of a rap artist who takes himself serious and is trying to climb the ladder of the music world. That portrayal would only be able to be portrayed by the model having a serious face and not doing any facial effects. Between the two pictures that feature the model having a serious face, I picked the one that seemed easier to edit as the first picture included a white mark that was impossible to photoshop off.

Photo Editing Blog Post

The program that I used to edit my cover is Indesign, an Adobe program which allows us to write and edit picture all in one. At first the program was difficult to use as I was inexperienced while using the program. For the editing of my blog post, I tried to keep the image as close to its original as possible. I edited out the blemishes in the pictures, such as marks on the face and on the arms, as well as inconsistencies in the image, such as certain parts being blurred that weren't supposed to be blurred. On the top of the cover image, I will be putting my magazine's title "8TH STREET" is a mix of red and white colors, while using the font Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN, as its boldness and kerning spacing is perfect for my title to cover the whole width of the page. For the subheadings, I plan on using the Rockwell font as it catches one's attention, yet doesn't distract from the cover image. For the subheadings, I wrote things that I believe a magazine woul

Planning Cover #1

  PLANNING COVER      For my magazine cover, I plan on making a spacey effect by changing the background to a distorted type of cover that has been popularized in music videos in this new era of the 2010s. I plan on putting the masthead at the top of the page, behind the model's head yet still visible to the public. I plan on including the subheadings at the bottom of the page, as it would make editing the background of the cover much easier for me to do. i plan on making the background effect a sort of purplish-blue, so in turn I will make the masthead and subheadings a contrasting color, such as yellow or red, to not take all the attention of what I will actually be including in my magazine.  Some things I will be including in my magazine prop wise is a fake gold chain and a fake wad of money, as those are things that many new age rappers gloat around and what inspiring rappers chase after, as it shows that a rapper finally made it to the big leagues. I will pose the model in

Photo Shoot Planning Blog Post

Photo Shoot Plannin g    For my photo shoot, I am planning on using my little brother, as getting in touch with a well-known rapper is harder than it seems. I plan on having him simply pose as a rapper of current times, and will be using fake jewelry and fake money to represent the way current rappers seem to appear as. I want the photos to represent my magazine in a way that highlights the new and up and coming rappers as well as showing current fashion trends seen in the rap community and highlight these trends that have appeared.  I plan on editing the plain background and making it an edit that is used in many different music videos, and stimulates a sort of distorted purplish blue color.   I plan on doing the photo shoot during the night as it is easier to set up the lighting and the camera would not glare due to the sun. The photoshoot should include a variety of poses and the best picture will be picked out of a consensus choosing on the best picture. I plan on using my iPhon